There are many different types of personal injury cases, from a slip and fall injury that causes chronic pain to vehicle accidents with many witnesses. In this video, attorneys from Upon & Hatfield's personal injury and accident law group discuss the different types of personal injury cases and whether a personal injury case can arise from any kind of injury.
Some examples of injuries that can lead to a personal injury case are accidents involving automobiles, boats, motorcycles or bicycles, brain injury or trauma, dog bites, and wrongful death. Common cases also include a slip and fall injury or a product liability claim.
When considering filing a personal injury case, hiring a firm with the experience and financial resources necessary to effectively litigate the case will put you at an advantage. Experience also provides insight and better judgement regarding when to go to trial and when to settle.
If you have questions about the types of personal injury cases Upton & Hatfield accepts or other personal injury questions, there is more information available on the personal injury and accident law group website.